Two weekends ago I knew I was the luckiest girl in the world! Jordan once again had been blessed with a four-day weekend, and he took me on an amazing trip to Monaco! Let me just say, I have been to a lot of beautiful places in my life, but all others seem pale in comparison to the beauty of our drive and stay in Monte Carlo.
For those of you who don't know, Monaco is a small principality located at the base of France and the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Does that give you a hint of how awesome this place is? Well it should! So Jordan came up with the grand idea to drive down for our four-day and spend two full days enjoying the city of Monte Carlo. After he told me his idea, I was beyond excited! I started planning the outfits I would wear, and I even went on a small shopping trip to buy some goodies. I started planning ahead of time for EVERYTHING, and I even began packing all of our clothes two days early. I was extremely set on not forgetting a thing. The reason for being so meticulous was on most trips, I seem to forget one important thing. For example, last year when we went on a cruise, I forgot to pack our camera battery charger. This time I wanted everything to be perfect!
On Friday morning we got up early to begin the nine hour drive. Jordan then remembered that he had left his passport at his work office, which is about 20 minutes the opposite direction. Without making any complaints, we loaded our things in the car and headed to work. The entire drive there I was secretly gloating. "Haha! I wasn't the one who forgot something this time!" Of course, I didn't say this to Jordan. So we added about an hour of driving to our already long trip. We then made our way back through our town and in the right direction towards our destination. With only a little stumbling block behind us, I sat in the car listening to German radio stations (mainly 80's love ballads) daydreaming up all of the fun things we were going to do. Then something hit me... I quickly turned to Jordan and asked him if he put our hanging bag of dress clothes in the car. The look on his face was the answer I didn't want to hear... No.
Immediately I began to cry. After all of my planning and packing, I still managed to forget the most important thing! This bag contained Jordan's suit, khakis, two shirts, and two of my dresses. If we didn't go back then we wouldn't be able to go to the nice dinner I had been daydreaming about! I was distraught. Jordan saw this, and being the great husband that he is, he turned around. So after a quicker drive back to the house to get our things, we ate a sandwich for lunch, grabbed the bag, and made our journey again.
The next few hours were pretty quiet. We had added more than four hours of driving to our trip! Despite this, I was determined not to let it ruin our weekend. So we drove for about 14 hours that Friday. It was night by the time we got to Monte Carlo, and we were exhausted. We drove through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and France to reach our destination. The sights were enough to put us in a wonderful mood.
So the next day we woke up excited to explore Monte Carlo. We had a wonderful breakfast at our hotel Le Meridian. We then grabbed our camera and sunglasses and began our journey. Our hotel was located on the outer part of the city, so we walked for a while along the coast before getting to the places we wanted to visit.
As you can see, it was a beautiful day! The only problem was that it was very windy. Despite this, we thought it was perfect. We walked into the busier parts of the city and saw even more beautiful sights like the Monte Carlo Casino, the palace, and all of the amazing yachts in the port.
The thing that helped both Jordan and myself enjoy our visit there, was that we both saw things that interested us. For example, I am a classic movie fan. That means that I adore the old movies with Carey Grant, Audrey Hepburn, and of course Grace Kelly. So while I was admiring statues of Princess Grace, Jordan was enjoying what kept him interested... cars. I have never seen so many expensive cars in my life. Every few minutes, Jordan would stop mid-conversation and yell out what style the car was that was just driving bye. I would look questioningly and ask what color... then I would know what he was talking about. Monte Carlo is also famous for its annual Grand Prix, so Jordan told me about all of the different curves and parts of the race.
So spending the day exploring was really fun for the two of us. We also spent some much-needed time in the sun. Although the first day was extremely windy, we still layed out at our hotel. The second day was perfect for some sun time, so we spent most of the afternoon working on our tans.
My favorite part of the trip was the eating, of course who doesn't love that? On Saturday night we dressed up and went to eat at a wonderful Mediterranean restaurant. The food was amazing. If the restaurant hadn't been so nice, I would have done the touristy thing and taken a picture of it! I had a scallop salad as an appetizer and a grilled prawn dish as my entree. It was so delicious and I probably could have eaten there again and again. After our dinner we then walked to the Monte Carlo Casino. We entered and watched people play cards and roulette, and Jordan even joined in some. He ended up winning 50 Euro, which was pretty impressive. I was just grateful he didn't lose money! So we felt pretty special that night, all dressed up, and acting like some rich folk.
Our next day and night was similar to our first. We spent the day walking around, then enjoyed the beach, and finally we spent the night enjoying a long dinner and good conversation at our hotel restaurant. It was perfect. We got along so well, we were able to experience some amazing things, and it brought us even closer together as a couple. Even though it began with some road-blocks, our trip had to have been one of the best we've ever taken.
So I feel like I should just share some insight about how to fit in with the people there, before I leave you.
First, you should always be wearing a fancy pair of sunglasses.
Second, if you aren't extremely tan then you are wrong.
Third, once you reach a certain age, you must have botox and plastic surgery, this includes the males.
Finally, even though you know you don't fit in, you must walk around with your nose in the air pretending that you do.
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